Which ASX stocks are available for trading with Pepperstone?

A little bit about the ASX
The ASX, the Australian Securities Exchange, is the home of Australia’s Financial Markets. It was created by the merger of the Australian Stock Exchange and the Sydney Futures Exchange back in 2006.
ASX has an average daily turnover of A$4.6985 billion and a market cap of A$1.6 trillion with 2,200 listings, making it one of the top 10 exchange groups globally.
The S&P/ASX 200 Index
The Standard and Poor’s/ASX 200 (XJO) is the main stock index covering around 80% of the Australian market. The short code at Pepperstone AUS200. The ASX index posted a healthy recovery of +73% from the March low of 4402 to the high of 7632 in August 2021. We have since seen a decline of 10% as of 06/09/2022.
Figure 1 TradingView SP/ASX 200 06/09/2022
Largest companies by Market Capitalization
The Big Four companies by Market Capitalization on the S&P/ASX 200 are:
- BHP Group Limited (BHP) with a market cap of 192.01 billion AUD
- Commonwealth bank of Australia (CBA) with a market cap of 164.05 billion AUD
- CSL Limited (CSL) with a market cap of 142.13 billion AUD
- Rio Tinto Limited (RIO) with a market cap of 134.09 billion AUD
Popular companies traded on the ASX
Core Lithium (CXO)
Developing lithium and diversified metals projects in world class mining provinces.
CXO Weekly Chart
Although the share price saw a healthy pullback in the second quarter of 2022, CXO has rallied over 80% from the June base of 0.82.
Figure 2 TradingView CXO 06/09/2022
Allken Limited (AKE)
Allkem is a global lithium chemicals company helping the world build a brighter tomorrow.
AKE weekly chart
Rallying towards the previous swing high of 14.38 with a recovery of over 50% from the July 2022 low of 98.32.
Figure 3 TradingView AKE 06/09/2022
Liontown Resources (LTR)
Liontown Resources is an emerging Tier 1 Battery Minerals producer.
LTR weekly chart
LTR has seen a substantial recovery of over 100% from the June low of 0.875.
Figure 4 TradingView LTR 06/09/2022
Trading ASX CFDs through Pepperstone
Pepperstone expanded their CFD offering giving their clients opportunity to trade in 200 top companies in Australia.
This gives investors the opportunity of going both long (buying) or short (selling) of popular traded companies like Rio Tinto and ZipMoney.
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